Monday, November 5, 2012

Bar Mitzvah- Tallit and Tefillin

Continuing with our Judaism unit, second years have been learning about and discussing rites of passage. One of the most important rites of passage in a Jewish boy's life is his Bar Mitzvah, a special ceremony that takes place when he is 13. Iit marks his coming of age as an adult member of the Jewish community. At his Bar Mitzvah the boy will read from the Torah at the Synagogue in front of his family and friends. The ceremony is usually followed by a big party!

A boy reads from the torah at his Bar Mitzvah

On their Bar Mitzvah boys will wear a prayer shawl called a Tallit and 2 leather boxes containing small pieces of the Torah, these are called Tefillin.

Wearing the Tallit and Tefillin

St. Mels learned about these items and their significance. They completed a cut, paste and labelling task in class.

Find out more about the Tallit and Tefillin by watching the videos on the following link:

Tallit and tefillin video link

1 comment:

  1. It’ s my first time in your blog. These clothes were amazing as well as very stylish.

    Bar mitzvah tallit
